The medium of instruction is English. During the first three years of core preclinical training, the curriculum encompasses student-centred training in basic sciences, ethics, application of evidence-based medicine principles, development of professional skills as well as special study modules on human sciences, behavioural science, philosophy, natural science, social sciences, communication skills, arts and IT classes of their choice. During the fourth and fifth years, students are provided with applied practices such as the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. During their final year, students take an active role in the treatment of diseases under the supervision of their instructors.
Our purpose is to train highly qualified doctors to set examples with their strong commitment to good medical practices as well as their understanding of global and local health issues, problem-solution skills for public health issues, commitment to following the latest developments in medicine, contributions to the advancement of the medicine as a science by adopting the latest technology to everyday practices and their highest ethical and analytical standards.
The faculty boasts an educational environment shaped in accordance with the requirements of the student-centred education, research and training labs equipped with the latest technological features, an anatomy laboratory equipped with advanced individual 3D viewing technology supported with cadaveric material, dissection tables and models identical to each human organ. The faculty also houses student recreational facilities such as computer and reading rooms as well as a cafeteria.
Within the framework of the "Introduction to Clinical Application Program" delivered during the first three years of the program, students benefit from multidisciplinary research opportunities, carry out research and statistical analysis and at the end of their research are given the opportunity to present their scientific studies in MASCO, the international student congress organised by Marmara University. Students may also attend their internship in hospitals or academic programs supported by EU, WHO and may also benefit from exchange student programs with contracted universities, inland and abroad.
Eastern Mediterranean University Dr. Fazıl Küçük Medicine Faculty curriculum is identical to and is carried out in collaboration with Marmara University's Medicine Faculty. At the end of their studies, graduates receive a Turkish Higher Education Board (YÖK) accredited undergraduate medicine diploma which will bear the joint signature of both faculties. Our graduates may continue their studies in the PhD program and become academicians.