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Marmara University-Eastern Mediterranean University International Joint Medical Program Medical Student Mentoring Programe

The main goal of the program is to optimize medical student performance. Additionally, it aims to guide students to learn more effectively in an environment that supports development and to pave the way for them to have more Access to development opportunities. One of the goals of the program is to enable students to increase their self-awareness while developing and to contribute to the preservation of their holistic well-being. As a result, the program creates an interaction in which students feel like they are part of the faculty as a developing member of the medical schoool. Each Phase 1 medical school student has an advisor faculty member in this program. The advisor tracks the medical student's progress in meeting expected academic milestones.

Phase 2 and 3 students are followed by their year coordinators and can apply to the Marmara University Faculty of Medicine mentoring system. (


Advisor Role

  • Meets with advisee twice a year – 6 months into the academic year and again at the end of the academic year to review progress
  • Review's advisee's self-assessment before the meeting and again during the meeting with advisee
  • Reviews grades after each committee exam
  • Set's up additional meetings as needed
  • Makes referrals as needed for additional evaluation and academic support (such asreferrals to PDRAM for psychologic counseling or referral for further evaluation including neuropsychologic testing and support around studying)
  • Makes an entry into the student's academic folder after each meeting or event.

    Documentation of progress, areas that may need improvement, setting of SMART goals,and when appropriate plans for remediation and follow-up.
  • Counsels on career planning.
  • Attends committee meetings for medical student evaluation and academic success.

Advisee Role

  • Responds promptly to communications from academic advisor
  • Meets with advisor twice a year – at 6 months and again at the end of the academic year to review progress
  • Completes a self-assessment of progress before meeting with advisor and forward's this to the advisor to be reviewed before the meeting and again at the meeting with the advisee
  • Self-assessment will encompass areas the student feels they are doing well and areas

    where they would like to make improvement or need additional support
  • Sets SMART goals for meeting expected academic milestones
  • Shares career planning goals with advisor
  • When struggling seeks assistance from academic advisor, self-refers to PDRAM for psychologic support and advising around strategies for academic success.

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