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Faculty Board

Name SurnameDutyDepartmentOfficeTel
Assoc. Prof. Dr. AMBER EKER Faculty Member Faculty of Medicine Med 120 3832
Assoc. Prof. Dr. MÜMTAZ GÜRAN Faculty Member Faculty of Medicine Med 118 3806
Assoc. Prof. Dr. NİLÜFER GÜZOĞLU Dean Faculty of Medicine Med 117 1570
Asst. Prof. Dr. HALİL EREN SAKALLI Faculty Member Faculty of Medicine Med 120 3820
Asst. Prof. Dr. HATİCE EFEKAN Vice Dean Faculty of Medicine
Dr. BERFU ÇERÇİ ÖNGÜN Faculty Member Faculty of Medicine Med 126 3822

Duties and Authorities of the Faculty Board

The Faculty Board is an academic body, and its duties and authorities are as follows:

Providing recommendations to the Dean and making decisions on the planning, programming, and implementation of the faculty’s educational activities, scientific research, and publication efforts;

Deciding on matters related to student admissions, dismissals, and processes concerning education, training, and examinations;

Performing other tasks assigned by the Dean.

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