Presentation of 2017 Cancer Incidence rates at International Assocation of Cancer Registries (IACR) in Utrecht, Netherlands:
IACR has been established in 1966 with the purpose of supporting population-based cancer registires. Since 1979, IACR has been in formal partnership with World Health Organization's International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC). This year IACR annual conference has been hosted by Netherlands and Belgium Cancer Registries. At the conference, fort he first time population based cancer data has been shared in presentation titled 'Population-based Site –Specific Cancer Incidence Rates in North Cyprus'. This presentation has been presented by the coordinators of the Cancer Registration Project in North Cyprus, Prof. Dr. Nahide Gökçora (EMU), Dr. Figen Gülen İnce (Ministry of Health) and epidemiologist Asst. Prof. Dr. Mevhibe B. Hocaoğlu (EMU).

The presentation of the data from North Cyprus, has played a key role in the recognition of cancer registry in TRNC named KK-KiDEM (North Cyprus Cancer Registry, Monitoring and Education Center). The Project team recieved an invitation for formal membership to IACR. IACR president – elect Dr. Tomohiro Matsuda expressed his happiness in seeing KK-KİDEM as a formal voting member of IACR in 2018. President Dr. Roberto Zanetti in personal communication suggested the need fort he legal framework making cancer a reportable disease in North Cyprus. During the conference, various speakers have emphasized the importance of prevention and early diagnosis of cancer, underlining the centrality of the role of incidence data as well as the mortality data in cancer.