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Student Education Commission

 Student Education Comission

The Student Education Commission represents students in all education-related processes. The commission consists of representatives selected by students from each year/class. Members are elected for a term of one year. The activities of the commission are conducted under the supervision of the Chief Coordinator.

Duties of the Student Education Commission:

  1. Conduct Regular Meetings:

    • Holds regular meetings at least twice a year to evaluate education-related practices and experiences.
    • Submits meeting reports to the Coordinators' Boards through the Chief Coordination Office.
  2. Elect Representatives for Various Boards:

    • Elect members from within the commission or among other students to participate in all educational boards (e.g., TEGEK, working groups, Faculty Administrative Board).
  3. Support the Coordinators' Boards:

    • Assists the Coordinators' Boards in the implementation of educational practices and student affairs.
  4. Elect a Faculty Student Representative:

    • The commission members elect one student from among themselves to serve as the Faculty Student Representative.

2024-2025 period

İnt. Dr. Ege Halıcılar, 6.Year Term Representative

Stj. Dr. İrem Oben, 5. Year Term Representative

Stj. Dr.Barış Ali Ömer, 4. Year Term Representative

Arda Özgöz , 3. Year Term Representative

Fersu Salel, 2. Year Term Representative

Fehim Talaykurt, 1. Year Term Representative

2023-2024 period

İnt. Dr. Fatma Şigan, 6. Year Term Representative

Stj. Dr. Ege Halıcılar, 5. Year Term Representative

Stj. Dr. İrem Oben, 4. Year Term Representative

Barış Ali Ömer, 3. Year Term Representative

Arda Özgöz , 2. Year Term Representative

Fersu Salel, 1. Year Term Representative


2022-2023 period

İnt. Dr. Özde Buda, 6. Year Term Representative

Stj. Dr. Fatma Şigan, 5. Year Term Representative

Stj. Dr. Ege Halıcılar, 4. Year Term Representative

İrem Oben, 3. Year Term Representative

Muharrem İyican, 2. Year Term Representative

Ferhat Enes Mengili, 1. Year Term Representative


2021-2022 period

İnt Dr. Söğüt YORGANCI, 6. Year Term Representative

Stj. Dr. Özde Buda, 5. Year Term Representative

Stj. Dr. Fatma Şigan, 4. Year Term Representative

Ege Halıcılar, 3. Year Term Representative

İrem Oben, 2. Year Term Representative

Muharrem İyican, 1. Year Term Representative


2020-2021 period

İnt. Dr. Övgü ÇETİN, 6. Year Term Representative

Stj. Dr. Söğüt YORGANCI, 5. Year Term Representative

Stj. Dr. Özde BUDA, 4. Year Term Representative

Fatma ŞİGAN, 3. Year Term Representative

Metin SUNAL, 2. Year Term Representative

Yağmur HACIAHMETOĞLU, 1. Year Term Representative

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